RP system for forums

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) Division Development RP system for forums

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  • #14450

    Space phenomena was a though before I added astro-physics.

    Diplomacy sounds a good one to add as well as the combat ones from aramond.

    I am not sure on using personality traits like ‘social skills’ and ‘confidence’ or stuff like that as we have our live RP session on Saturday too and it would possibly conflict there. Also, I dont think there would be any way to advance such a trait. You could include some kind of particular thing like that in the ‘gifts and flaws’ potentially, such as ‘perfectionist to a tee’.

    Blaze Strife

    Can you tell us if Diplomacy and those new ones are Major or Minor, so we can include them in the sheet, if you’re still limited to mobile?

    And you’re right about the “Social skills”.

    Is there any chance on getting a sentence explaining each module? I’m not sure what “Power core operations” are or why did you diversify “Computer programming” and “Software engineering”?


    Diplomacy will be a double module.

    I’ll go through and add sentences this evening and upload them when I can. As this is a google doc, I can work on it offline.

    This is good feeback and helpful to work out a few issues with the system though. I’ll check in when I can and look for more posts.


    Are both “Stellar Cartography” and “Astro-navigation” needed?

    What is the logic for some skills costing twice as much? Are they twice as useful in RP situations?

    By the way, I thought I had posted a big thank you to Blaze and Fish earlier, for the work they have contributed to the spreadsheet prototype. That was exactly the sort of thing I wanted to do and did not have time. Thank you for jumping in!

    Matthew Vaj

    To clarify, the Major options are equal to two minor ones? So if you have two major modules you can only take six minor modules? For ensigns, at least?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Matthew Vaj.
    Blaze Strife

    Yes, if you’re only talking about Trained. After that, to upgrade any module, it doesn’t matter if it’s Major or Minor, you’re just looking at the total number.

    The Major ones cost twice as much because they represent a greater field of study, as Xavier wrote in the start.


    Cost in a game should reflect the usefulness to the character’s roleplay. It doesn’t matter if it would take longer to learn in the “real” world, it matters if it can achieve twice as much or be used twice as often to benefit the character.

    Matthew Vaj

    In that case, the spreadsheet doesn’t quite follow the character design document. I’ll see if I can make a couple changes to do that.

    Blaze Strife

    It doesn’t?

    I didn’t notice a mistake. But then again, I didn’t go checking Fish’s math. 😛

    EDIT: No idea who put additional modules at the end and put Blaze as an Expert in Melee Combat, but you’re spot on! 😀

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Blaze Strife.
    Matthew Vaj

    Yeah, currently I have 7 minor and 3 major modules, and it says I’m good, but with 3 major modules, I should only be able to take 4 minor modules.

    Blaze Strife

    Huh, now that I set up Blaze’s stats, I look at it and don’t see a profile of a TSN bridge officer… Looks more like a marine officer. I’ll have to think about it. If anyone has any thoughts on the matter, feel free to share. Here or via PM or whatever.

    Matthew Vaj

    Ok i made changes that check how many total modules, including the doubled major modules, and how many each of trained, confident, expert, and master. It checks that against the target number and factors that into the ‘under skilled’, ‘all good’, and ‘over skilled’ cell. I’m not sure it accurately determines over or under skilled, and it doesn’t account for dropping an expert to gain another confident.

    Matthew Vaj

    I’ve done what I can, for now. I’ve got to go to work, so if anyone wants to fix the bugs in what I did, please do. I know there’s something wrong somewhere, I’m just not sure where.

    Blaze Strife

    I’ve just realized we’ve been doing it wrong all along. Reread Xavier’s example in his doc, and you’ll see. I’ll do the new validation right now.


    This should have been posted earlier but didnt go through for some reason. Here it is again.

    As the double modules can be considered broader subjects, I figured they would be more useful in the RP as you could use it in a wider range of situations.

    Stellar cartography would be to do with mapping of systems and the details of how that information is gathered, whereas astro-navigation would be to with actual navigation and moving through space such as finding the best route or simply flying a ship. The modules set out and rules laid out are only a guide and can be tweaked if something doesnt quite make sense.

    I will work on adding more detailed descriptions of each module. Hopefully this will clarify them and give ideas about what they might be useful for. In doing so I might remove a couple or change them. Your character design at the moment doesnt need to be set in stone (and wont need to be as we get going either). There will be an element of trial ad improvement as we go along.

    Hopefully the first scenario that I have been thinking on will give it a good test (and will be a test of my own GM skill to say the least!)

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