Research and Development Proposal Submissions

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) Division Development Research & Development Research and Development Proposal Submissions

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  • #32938
    Matthew Vaj

    This subforum is specifically for TSN Officers to submit official proposals to the Research and Development Department. Proposals could include, but is not limited to, new vessel variants or changes to a current class, mod or sandbox updates, and new factions or alien races. A proposal should thoroughly describe the general idea, how you might expect it to be implemented, and why you think it will contribute to the community. Further descriptions for proposals may be forthcoming.

    Upon submission, R&D and/or the senior officers will review the proposal and may advise that it be selected as an official project. A proposal may not be selected immediately, but will never be removed from the list of potential projects without due cause.

    Regardless of whether a proposal is selected as an official project, any officer may comment in that thread to offer constructive feedback as to possible improvements or suggestions on how to go about implementing the proposal. Until a proposal is selected, the original submitter may modify the proposal as they see fit based upon those comments.

    Once a proposal is selected as an official project, the following will occur:
    – The proposal will be officially acknowledged by R&D as a project
    – The Head of R&D will issue a charter for the project defining its objectives based on the proposal
    – An R&D officer will be assigned as project lead

    From that point on, the project lead will spearhead development, with input from the area lead, the Head of R&D, ONI, and/or the senior officers, until the objectives of the project’s charter are met.

    The submitter of a project may request to take on the role of project lead. Such a request should be made to the Head of R&D. The request will be reviewed and the submitter interviewed before a decision on the matter is made.

    Important Notes:
    No proposal, even if selected as an official project, is guaranteed to be utilized by the TSN 4LD. A proposal may be selected, finalized, and approved by ONI and the senior officers and still may never be used by the 4LD. That said, no idea belongs solely to the 4LD and it may be freely used by any other group.

    Please keep all comments on topic. Each proposal will have a thread, keep comments on a thread directly applicable to the corresponding proposal.

    All questions should be directed to your commanding officer or the Head of R&D.

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