Hey all, I just posted this on my personal Facebook Page and on the Star Trek facebook group I’m a part of:
“Hey Star Trek Fans, got a couple of things you may be interested in. Firstly, a disclaimer: I am in no professionally related or obligated to the game I am about to post about. Now that that’s out of the way, for those who are looking for a Star Trek kind of experience, as in operating on a starship bridge, this game is definitely for you: http://artemis.eochu.com/. And if you’d like an online Roleplay community to play it with, the TSN RP Community is definitely the place for you! Here’s the link to their web page: http://www.terranstellarnavy.net/ Hope you’ll join us!”
Figured I’d cast that net and see if it gets any takers! 🙂 I recommend sharing similar posts on our FB pages across the RP community to try to drum up even more folks to join the fun we have every week! 😀