To help advertise our community, there are a couple of us who often make videos using in-game footage. However, there is a lack of new footage for those making videos to use. I am therefore asking for volunteers to record parts of missions and simulations during our normal duty shift session, which can then be used in future videos.
Audio is not required, though it could also be used within the videos. For recording, the observer mode offers and excellent dynamic view of the ship which can be used in videos. Recordings of the Tactical view on the Data console would also be useful, and some mainscreen view recordings, showing the ship itself (shots to port and starboard when escorting ships would be most useful). As for consoles, some recordings of these could be made, and included.
The videos themselves needs to be just the game window (software such as OBS can record selected windows only. The footage needs to be in a format compatible with software including basic packages such as Microsoft Movie Maker as well as other common programs used and be of a high quality. To access, it would be best if footage could be uploaded to cloud storage such as GDrive or Dropbox, and then links simply posted below.
If you wish to volunteer, just reply below. As long as we can get at least two or three people recording, we will likely have a significant amount of footage to chose from simply from one duty shift. Please state RP name, rank and assigned ship (if any).