Possible teamspeak issue

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) Division Development Possible teamspeak issue

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  • #19911

    After upgrading my teamspeak (or failing to stop the upgrade), I’m no longer able to connect to the TSN server. Other people have expressed similar issues. Do we need to rollback TS or is this something that needs fixing server-side?

    Connect to “” rather than the comms.terranstellarnavy.etc

    If that doesn’t work, there is a more detailed work around below.

    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by Nhaima.

    Based on the server message van Leigh noticed, if you upgrade to 3.1 then you won’t be able to connect. Don’t upgrade your TS client unless Jemel, et al. gives the okay.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Nhaima.

    I have a work around for people who need it tomorrow, but if someone could log in and restore my rank and ADO privileges that would be great. I’m also reluctant to post the work around until I’m able to test it or at least correct the mistake if it backfires again.

    John van Leigh

    Nhaima managed to invent a workaround until Jemel fixes this server-side

    I’ll spend the night drinking coffee, so if you need me to set up your permissions you can PM me over teamspeak.


    Thank you to Cmdr. van Leigh for being a guinea pig, we now have a tested work around! Also to Lt. Cdr. Zelreich for fixing my account… >_>

    If you cannot connect to Teamspeak because you updated your client:

    • Open Teamspeak
    • Go to Settings > Identities.
    • Export your default identity.
    • Download this installer.
    • Run the installer and install it to a different location (such as C:\Teamspeak)
    • Run the new teamspeak client.
    • Go to Settings > Identities.
    • Import your old identity.
    • Connect to the TSN server.

    You should have all your old permissions, etc. intact. If there is an issue, please contact the DO (me) and I’ll set about fixing things for you.

    Blaze Strife

    Thank you for the notification. I will not upgrade my TS until the brass says we can.

    Also, I see roleplaying potential in this.


    As do I Blaze.

    Jemel Eahain

    m still trying to problem solve the issue,
    im not 100% sure its the server itself that has an issue as i have set up a backup url to test if the new ts3 client was having issues with connecting via url rather than ip, if others could try conecting via “tsn.ts3dns.com ” to confirm that works would be helpful.


    ‘tsn.ts3dns.com’ works for me, with the updated TS3 client. I think you fixed something while you’ve been working on this, because I can connect again using ‘comms.terranstellarnavy.community’

    That said, when I do I get the following error message:
    This server configuration is deprecated. Support for this configuration will be dropped with client version 3.1.1. Please contact your server administrator. For details, please see this Knowledge Base article.


    To be clear, I only get the error message when I connect to ‘comms.terranstellarnavy.community’

    When I connect to ‘tsn.ts3dns.com’, it doesn’t complain in the slightest!

    Jemel Eahain

    I reset some of the dns settings and removed a couple that should have been redundant, I be leave the error is from the not so redundant settings,

    Charles Beaumont

    Thought I’d double check here. Am I OK to update Teamspeak, is there anything I need to do to keep my profiles, and which address should I use when connecting?


    Back up your identity, just in case. You should be okay to upgrade, particularly if you connect via the IP:Port listed in the first post. All of the connection methods described should work, and I’ll be around tomorrow in case something goes sideways and you need your settings restored.

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