Personal absence in the coming weeks

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall Personal absence in the coming weeks

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  • #21903
    Blaze Strife

    Due to circumstances in the life of the player behind Blaze Strife, the Lieutenant hasn’t shown up for the last shift and won’t show up for at least one more. The absence could actually be a lot longer, but it’s uncertain at this point in time.

    In all seriousness, I’m moving to a different city to start on a new job, and have no idea how life will play out, or if I’ll even have Internet access in the apartment I’ll temporarily live in.

    I plan to try and make it on the shift of the 25th, but cannot make any promises.

    As the assigned Weapons Officer of TSN Viper, I felt compelled to warn you, in case you want to remove me from that post due to possible inactivity.

    See you soon, hopefully!


    Best wishes, Blaze. There will be a hot targeting array ready for your return.
    I hope life treats you gently.


    We definitely missed you at the last shift. Hopefully things will settle down for you pretty quickly. Moving and starting a new job like that is definitely stressful.

    Matthew Vaj

    Good luck Blaze! Look forward to seeing you on station soon!

    Blaze Strife

    As it currently stand, I may not have regular internet access for up to a month.

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