No Bar! 7516-2237

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall No Bar! 7516-2237

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  • #8802
    Adele Mundy

    We’re all on our ships, stuck at the end-of-episode cliffhanger as the credits roll! Whatever shall we do?


    Internship chat messenger? Something we jump into while holding station and awaiting orders because it ends up taking an hour or more of deliberation by the COs?

    Blaze Strife

    In the situation we’re at, we probably want to keep chatter at a minimum, especially between ships.

    John van Leigh

    I could invite you all for dinner on Hunter, if you’re so inclined. It should be slightly more formal than bar talk, but it’s something.

    Blaze Strife

    It will be a little cramped, but we’ll manage.


    Formal be damned! Eric would just need to stop by the Raven first to pick up some “refreshments”.

    John van Leigh

    Well, just don’t get drunk, remember we are about to cross into hostile-controlled territory, and that’s if we don’t get attacked before then.


    Naah, now is not the time for heavy drinking. Liquid courage, however, would not be amiss.

    Leonard Hall

    We can use the impromptu mainframe on the Montgomery with INVINCIBLE(tm) grade encryption to handle our communiques while we wait.

    Adele Mundy

    @Hall, you mean we open a chat thread where we roleplay chatting in a chat thread? So meta! 🙂 I like it!

    Btw, I enjoy seeing the flurry of TSN messages turn up after the shift. It means I’m not the only person out here who is this much of a loony…

    Blaze Strife

    @Adele, I enjoy my Sunday (or Monday) mornings, reading all of those messages. 😀


    it is brilliant to see the forums so active. I love throwing thigs in from NPC characters too… though at the moment Turnez and Edwards are both back at base…


    //I’ve added a new NPC, since I think it wouldn’t make much sense for Blaze to join the bar at this moment, being an XO as an ensign, with cadets as bridge officers, and all that.

    //And, of course, I forgot to login with my real account.

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