New downloads? Terran Stellar Navy › Forums › (OOC) The Mess Hall › New downloads? This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago by Jemel Eahain. Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total) Author Posts 04/03/2016 at 22:16 #5616 Adele MundyParticipant Are there any updates Mataiyan and I should be downloading before the shift, given we’ve missed two weeks? I’d like to avoid last minute rushing. Thanks in advance. 05/03/2016 at 00:23 #5621 AramondParticipant *polishes DO pin and puts it on for the second-to-last time* *clears throat* You’ll want to make sure that your version of Artemis is at 2.3.0, and that the TSN mod is the full 1.2.0 05/03/2016 at 00:34 #5623 AramondParticipant There’s been word that one more version of the mod will be put out before shift tomorrow, sooooooooooo all this prep could be for naught. 05/03/2016 at 05:53 #5629 Adele MundyParticipant Thanks! 12/03/2016 at 16:50 #5923 FulvusParticipant I’m confused. Today’s call for duty said “Artemis V2.3.0 & TSN Mod V1.1.4 (as of 6th February 2016)”. Either the date is wrong or the version number. Too bad I can’t join you tonight. 12/03/2016 at 17:13 #5928 Jemel EahainModerator wrong version number, i have taken steps to rectify for next week. Author Posts Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total) You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In