I have started putting together a document that gives guidance for anyone commanding a ship.
At the moment, the ship captains and XOs get together to figure out how to improve coordination and communication between ships and we come up with a lot of great ideas – area of operations, ship-to-ship comms etc. Though we discuss it and trial it, often it is left for other to just “figure out”. This makes it particularly challenging for those who find themselves put in command of a ship when they have some command experience, but not much. Also, XOs and captains themselves forget bits, or could do with a refresher (I sometimes find I need to brush up on things myself).
As a result, I have started documenting some of the key information that I think might be useful to clarify. Most of it is aimed at working with other ships, rather than how to command a crew, and therefore looks mainly at interactions between ships, or some of the terms we use (area of operations). I don’t want to make it too lengthy either, so am trying not to go into massive depth. There are other documents that give more detailed information; I might add links to these in order to direct people if they want more information.
Take a look and tell me what you think. Is there anything else useful I could add to this document?