Nathan Quinn

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  • #15227

    //In Progress

    Name: Nathan Quinn
    Place of birth: Shipping lanes between Sol and its colonies
    Year of birth: 2212
    Height: 1.6m (5’2”)
    Weight: 57kg (125 lbs)

    Character Data Sheet


      Born to parents Patrick Quinn and Claudia Spencer, operators of independent long haul freighter Clonard. Childhood in poor quality artificial gravity led to diminished height and weight. Parents nurtured talent for piloting and encouraged him to join the TSN. Significant experience with minor repair and jury-rigging as a part of life aboard a family-operated vessel. Has three siblings, all remain aboard Clonard to aid in its operation.

      Service Record

    • Accepted to TSN Academy on Luna.
    • Began rigorous physical therapy to become accustomed to the TSN standard of artificial gravity.
    • Instructors noted academic success in spite of time-consuming physical therapy but also concern for lack of camaraderie and group cohesion due to same.
    • Assigned to the 2nd Fleet, 4th Light Division for field experience upon graduation.
    • Passed Ensign exam with a silver pin for Helm with a secondary expertise in Engineering and assigned to the TSN Hydra (Hlm) under Cpt Alice.
    • Remained aboard the TSN Hydra (Hlm) under Cdr Verok when it was refit as a missile cruiser after Cpt Alice’s transfer out of the 4th Light Division.
    • Promoted to Lt Jr.
    • Served four shifts as Assistant Duty Officer
    • Transferred to the TSN Dauntless (Hlm) along with the rest of the crew of the Hydra after its destruction
    • Transferred to the TSN Montgomery (Hlm) along with the rest of the crew of the Dauntless after its reassignment out of the 4th Light Division
    • Transferred to the TSN Viper (Hlm) along with the rest of the crew of the Montgomery after its (second) retirement.
    • Received Distinguished Service Medal and Counter Intelligence medal for actions during the Second Unukalhai War
    • Transferred to the TSN Raven (Hlm) as part of routine crew reassignment
    • Served three shifts as Duty Officer
    • Received Personal Achievement Ribbon and Practical Proficiency Ribbon for actions during operations in the Euphini Expanse
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Quinn.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Quinn.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Quinn.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Quinn.
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