Mission: 19217-2237

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  • #21569

    SCENE 3

    Heavy winds and rain whips at the team as they finally make it back to the shuttle LZ and begin prepping the shuttle for launch.

    Zac Turnez

    Almost falling into the shuttle, Zac drops his pack in a locker and heads to his seat. Strapping himself in, he swivels to face his console and places his data pad onto the interface. It boots up and logs in, activating the additional screens on the console with his preferred set-up of sensor data, navigational maps and atmospheric readings.

    I can link in to the feed from the atmospheric monitoring station from here, though to be honest I think it’ll make no difference. We are in for a bumpy ride! I’ll attempt a link with the satallite in orbit, though I am not sure if we can through the storm.

    As we fly, I’ll try to monitor local air pressure and find us a route through the storm.

    Is it possible to establish a link to the orbital satallite? AR-Low; DR-Average; Roll-6; Result-Yes

    Re-configuring the monitors around him, Zac brings up readings synchronized from the relay in orbit, shuttle’s own sensors and from the monitoring station. From them, charts and maps begin to update on one of the screens, showing the swirling pressure changes in the atmosphere.


    Quinn quickly runs through the preflight checklist, flipping switches and checking readings on his panel.

    Make sure everything’s stowed back there and strap yourselves in, this might get bumpy!

    Do they take off without issue? AR = High, DR = Average, Roll = 72, Result = Yes (close one!)

    The storm front begins to overtake them as Quinn quickly lifts the shuttle into the air and shouts to the rear of the shuttle:

    We’re in the air but it’s not over yet. Hold on!

    Do they make it to orbit without any adverse effects from the storm? AR = High, DR = Average, Roll = 42, Result = Yes

    The winds pick up as they gain altitude and Quinn grits his teeth and strains against the control stick. He is unused to atmospheric flying but it’s nothing compared to flying through gravitational eddies of the Poseidon Rift. He sighs deeply when the break through the top of the storm cloud, realizing only then that he had been holding his breath the whole ascent.

    Blaze Strife

    Cheering, Blaze yells Woohoo! Bra-vo, Nathan!




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