Ensign Exam


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  • #3301
    Lewis Remmick

    To Whom It May Concern,

    It came to my attention during the last duty shift that I might consider moving toward taking my ensign exam. However, it occurred to me afterward that I have no idea how to do that. Who do I contact, when does it happen, and how does the exam work?

    Many Thanks,
    Cadet Remmick


    Contact Commander Jemel, he will schedule your exam probably in the hour before the next shift. You should not need more than 30 minutes. You will be given a link to a set of online exam forms to complete.

    You will be tested on the documents at this library page http://www.terranstellarnavy.net/library-database/officer-training/basic-training/

    Specifically the test will include questions on Protocol and Procedure, Combat Orders and your primary specialty.

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