Daylight Savings Time Reminder

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall Daylight Savings Time Reminder

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  • #6095


    Much of North America began observing Daylight Savings Time last Sunday, which means tomorrow’s shift will start and end one hour earlier (4pm-8pm EDT, 1pm-5pm PDT) for officers in participating areas.

    Europeans, your system is very confusing to my Americentric brain, but I think the UK will be similarly affected on the first shift in April. No clue about the various continental systems though.

    Officers in other locations should post their similarly weird, inscrutable systems!

    Blaze Strife

    Hint: use Google and search “8 pm UTC” and it will show you the appropriate time in your location.


    Will the shift remain at 20:00 UTC during the summer?

    Just to bend your brain even more, here in Arizona, outside the Navajo nation, Daylight Saving is not used. The last thing we need is to save daylight. We would love to lose a little if we could.

    Adele Mundy

    This is the way Arizona manages time: it does not observe Daylight Savings Time. The Navajo Nation, inside Arizona but with some areas also in Utah and New Mexico, does observe DST. The Hopi Reservaton, fully surrounded by the Navajo Nation, does not. You can drive along a road and have to change your watch four times…

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