Terran Stellar Navy › Forums › (OOC) Division Development › Research & Development › Civilian vessel targeting data.
- This topic has 8 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
07/12/2019 at 23:33 #33021
Participant<!– ****************************** Civilian VESSELS 1500 – 1599**************************************** –>
<vessel uniqueID=”1500″ side=”1″ classname=”Escort” broadType=”small warship”>
<!– TSN Escort –>
<art meshfile=”dat/civilian1.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/civilian1_diffuse.png”
glowFile=”dat/artemis_illum.png” specularFile=”dat/artemis_specular.png” scale=”0.2″ pushRadius=”150″/>
<!– Weapons and Shields modified (1/4)–>
<shields front=”10″ back=”10″/>
<performance turnrate=”0.004″ topspeed=”0.9″/>
<fleet_ai commonality=”100″/>
<beam_port x=”-102.14″ y=”8.35″ z=”258.74″ damage=”1.8″ arcwidth=”0.4″ cycletime=”6.0″ range=”1000″/>
<beam_port x=” 102.14″ y=”8.35″ z=”258.74″ damage=”1.8″ arcwidth=”0.4″ cycletime=”6.0″ range=”1000″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”-9.22″ z=”-300″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”29.64″ z=”-300″/>
<impulse_point x=”0″ y=”-9.22″ z=”-300″/><impulse_point x=”0″ y=”29.64″ z=”-300″/>
<long_desc text=”Light warship with forward beam weapons. Used to escort Earth’s important cargos.”/>
</vessel><vessel uniqueID=”1501″ side=”1″ classname=”Destroyer” broadType=”medium warship”> <!– TSN Destroyer –>
<art meshfile=”dat/civilian2.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/civilian2_diffuse.png”
glowFile=”dat/artemis_illum.png” specularFile=”dat/artemis_specular.png” scale=”0.2″ pushRadius=”150″/>
<!– Weapons and Shields modified (1/4)–>
<shields front=”30″ back=”25″/>
<performance turnrate=”0.003″ topspeed=”0.9″/>
<fleet_ai commonality=”100″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”29.64″ z=”-200″/>
<impulse_point x=”0″ y=”29.64″ z=”-200″/>
<beam_port x=”-102.14″ y=”8.35″ z=”258.74″ damage=”2.0″ arcwidth=”0.4″ cycletime=”2.0″ range=”1000″/>
<beam_port x=” 102.14″ y=”8.35″ z=”258.74″ damage=”2.0″ arcwidth=”0.4″ cycletime=”2.0″ range=”1000″/>
<long_desc text=”Medium warship with rapid fire beam weapons. Earth’s most common system defense vessel, trading FTL Drive for speed and firepower.”/>
</vessel><vessel uniqueID=”1502″ side=”1″ classname=”Science Vessel” broadType=”science”>
<!– TSN Science –>
<art meshfile=”dat/science-vessel.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/Science_Vessel_color.png”
glowFile=”dat/Science_Vessel_glow.png” specularFile=”dat/Science_Vessel_spec.png” scale=”0.32″ pushRadius=”150″/>
<!– Weapons and Shields modified (1/4)–>
<shields front=”8″ back=”8″/>
<performance turnrate=”0.002″ topspeed=”0.7″/>
<fleet_ai commonality=”100″/>
<engine_port x=”-51″ y=”-3.155422″ z=”26.135927″/>
<engine_port x=” 51″ y=”-3.155422″ z=”26.135927″/>
<impulse_point x=”-51″ y=”-3.155422″ z=”26.135927″/><impulse_point x=” 51″ y=”-3.155422″ z=”26.135927″/>
<long_desc text=”An unarmed, long-range exploration ship. The hull is a Ximni design.”/>
</vessel><vessel uniqueID=”1503″ side=”1″ classname=”Bulk Cargo” broadType=”cargo”>
<!– TSN Bulk Cargo –>
<art meshfile=”dat/cargo_vessel.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/cargo_vessel_color.png”
glowFile=”dat/cargo_vessel_glow.png” specularFile=”dat/cargo_vessel_spec.png” scale=”0.4″ pushRadius=”150″/>
<!– Weapons and Shields modified (1/4)–>
<shields front=”8″ back=”8″/>
<performance turnrate=”0.002″ topspeed=”0.4″/>
<fleet_ai commonality=”100″/>
<engine_port x=”-36.569798″ y=”1.519395″ z=”-261.916901″/>
<engine_port x=”-63.478695″ y=”1.709533″ z=”-240.778183″/>
<engine_port x=”-91.280312″ y=”2.732927″ z=”-226.381104″/>
<engine_port x=”-91.280312″ y=”2.732927″ z=”-226.381104″/>
<engine_port x=”36.569798″ y=”1.519395″ z=”-261.916901″/>
<engine_port x=”63.478695″ y=”1.709533″ z=”-240.778183″/>
<engine_port x=”91.280312″ y=”2.732927″ z=”-226.381104″/>
<engine_port x=”91.280312″ y=”2.732927″ z=”-226.381104″/>
<impulse_point x=”-36.569798″ y=”1.519395″ z=”-261.916901″/><impulse_point x=”36.569798″ y=”1.519395″ z=”-261.916901″/>
<impulse_point x=”-63.478695″ y=”1.709533″ z=”-240.778183″/><impulse_point x=”63.478695″ y=”1.709533″ z=”-240.778183″/>
<maneuver_point x=”-91.280312″ y=”2.732927″ z=”-226.381104″/><maneuver_point x=”91.280312″ y=”2.732927″ z=”-226.381104″/>
<long_desc text=”An unarmed bulk freighter, slowly moving cheap cargo between the stars.”/>
</vessel><vessel uniqueID=”1504″ side=”1″ classname=”Luxury Liner” broadType=”luxury”>
<!– TSN Luxury Liner –>
<art meshfile=”dat/luxury-vessel.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/leisure_vessel_color.png”
glowFile=”dat/leisure_vessel_glow.png” specularFile=”dat/leisure_vessel_spec.png” scale=”0.3″ pushRadius=”150″/>
<!– Weapons and Shields modified (1/4)–>
<shields front=”8″ back=”8″/>
<performance turnrate=”0.002″ topspeed=”0.3″/>
<fleet_ai commonality=”100″/>
<engine_port x=”0.077280″ y=”11.006388″ z=”-252.707397″/>
<engine_port x=”0.197185″ y=”31.179333″ z=”-265.912628″/>
<engine_port x=”-14.653028″ y=”-57.441185″ z=”-13.352610″/>
<engine_port x=”-38.461231″ y=”-39.984001″ z=”-13.113809″/>
<engine_port x=”14.653028″ y=”-57.441185″ z=”-13.352610″/>
<engine_port x=”38.461231″ y=”-39.984001″ z=”-13.113809″/>
<impulse_point x=”0.077280″ y=”11.006388″ z=”-252.707397″/><impulse_point x=”0.197185″ y=”31.179333″ z=”-265.912628″/>
<impulse_point x=”-14.653028″ y=”-57.441185″ z=”-13.352610/><impulse_point x=”14.653028″ y=”-57.441185″ z=”-13.352610″/>
<impulse_point x=”-38.461231″ y=”-39.984001″ z=”-13.113809″/><impulse_point x=”38.461231″ y=”-39.984001″ z=”-13.113809″/>
<long_desc text=”An unarmed travelling playground of the rich and powerful.”/>
</vessel><vessel uniqueID=”1505″ side=”1″ classname=”Transport” broadType=”transport”>
<art meshfile=”dat/transport-vessel.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/transport_vessel_color.png”
glowFile=”dat/transport_vessel_glow.png” specularFile=”dat/transport_vessel_spec.png” scale=”0.2″ pushRadius=”150″/>
<!– Weapons and Shields modified (1/4)–>
<shields front=”20″ back=”20″/>
<performance turnrate=”0.002″ topspeed=”0.3″/>
<fleet_ai commonality=”100″/>
<engine_port x=”-57.877796″ y=”0.839157″ z=”-284.658264″/>
<engine_port x=”-136.553009″ y=”0.466896″ z=”-261.411255″/>
<engine_port x=”-213.412323″ y=”1.201706″ z=”-239.373917″/>
<engine_port x=”57.877796″ y=”0.839157″ z=”-284.658264″/>
<engine_port x=”136.553009″ y=”0.466896″ z=”-261.411255″/>
<engine_port x=”213.412323″ y=”1.201706″ z=”-239.373917″/>
<impulse_point x=”-58.57″ y=”0″ z=”-284.66″/>
<impulse_point x=”-134.22″ y=”0″ z=”-261.41″/>
<impulse_point x=”54.33″ y=”0″ z=”-284.66″/>
<impulse_point x=”137.71″ y=”0″ z=”-261.41″/>
<maneuver_point x=”-216.55″ y=”0″ z=”-239.37″/>
<maneuver_point x=”212.87″ y=”0″ z=”-239.37″/>
<long_desc text=”An unarmed transport, filled with light cargo and civilians.”/>
</vessel><!– ** MOD Civilian VESSELS 1600 – 1700** –>
<vessel uniqueID=”1600″ side=”1″ classname=”LR Transport” broadType=”transport”>
<art meshfile=”dat/TSN/USFP/transport.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/TSN/USFP/transport_color.png”
glowFile=”dat/TSN/USFP/transport_glow.png” specularFile=”dat/TSN/USFP/transport_spec.png” scale=”0.8″ pushRadius=”320″/>
<!– Weapons and Shields modified (1/4)–>
<shields front=”20″ back=”20″/>
<performance turnrate=”0.002″ topspeed=”0.2″/>
<fleet_ai commonality=”100″/>
<engine_port x=”31″ y=”-6″ z=”-488″/>
<engine_port x=”-31″ y=”-6″ z=”-488″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”29″ z=”-422″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”29″ z=”-442″/>
<impulse_point x=”0″ y=”29″ z=”-422″/> <impulse_point x=”0″ y=”29″ z=”-442″/>
<maneuver_point x=”31″ y=”-6″ z=”-488″/> <maneuver_point x=”-31″ y=”-6″ z=”-488″/>
<long_desc text=”Long range transport. More often seen in the core worlds on regular transport runs.”/>
</vessel><vessel uniqueID=”1601″ side=”1″ classname=”Gaspode Class” broadType=”cargo”>
<art meshfile=”dat/TSN/USFP/miningrig.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/TSN/USFP/miningrig_color.png”
glowFile=”dat/TSN/USFP/miningrig_glow.png” specularFile=”dat/TSN/USFP/miningrig_spec.png” scale=”0.2″ pushRadius=”170″/>
<!– Weapons and Shields modified (1/4)–>
<shields front=”13″ back=”3″/>
<performance turnrate=”0.0022″ topspeed=”0.2″/>
<fleet_ai commonality=”45″/>
<beam_port x=”0″ y=”0″ z=”10″ damage=”0.25″ arcwidth=”0.5″ cycletime=”12.0″ range=”1000″/>
<engine_port x=”-18″ y=”144″ z=”-355″/>
<engine_port x=”18″ y=”144″ z=”-355″/>
<impulse_point x=”-18″ y=”144″ z=”-355″/>
<impulse_point x=”18″ y=”144″ z=”-355″/> <long_desc text=”Gaspode Class Mining Ship. Designed to break up asteroids, then store and transport the valuable ores to a refining facility.”/>
</vessel><vessel uniqueID=”1602″ side=”1″ classname=”Patrol Boat” broadType=”small warship”>
<art meshfile=”dat/TSN/USFP/patrol-boat.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/artemis_diffuse.png”
glowFile=”dat/artemis_illum.png” specularFile=”dat/artemis_specular.png” scale=”0.1″ pushRadius=”100″/>
<!– Weapons and Shields modified (1/4)–>
<shields front=”8″ back=”8″/>
<performance turnrate=”0.008″ topspeed=”1.2″/>
<fleet_ai commonality=”25″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”-9.22″ z=”-300″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”29.64″ z=”-300″/>
<engine_port x=”84″ y=”-20.22″ z=”-250″/>
<engine_port x=”-84″ y=”-20.22″ z=”-250″/>
<impulse_point x=”0″ y=”-9.22″ z=”-300″/>
<maneuver_point x=”-84″ y=”-20.22″ z=”-250″/><impulse_point x=”0″ y=”29.64″ z=”-300″/>
<maneuver_point x=”84″ y=”-20.22″ z=”-250″/>
<beam_port x=”-82.14″ y=”8.35″ z=”230.74″ damage=”1.8″ arcwidth=”0.4″ cycletime=”3.0″ range=”700″/>
<beam_port x=” 82.14″ y=”8.35″ z=”230.74″ damage=”1.8″ arcwidth=”0.4″ cycletime=”3.0″ range=”700″/>
<beam_port x=”0″ y=”8.35″ z=”-230.74″ damage=”2.0″ arcwidth=”0.4″ cycletime=”3.0″ range=”700″/>
<long_desc text=”Small police or customs inspection boat, used mainly to inspect ships and run down smugglers.”/>
</vessel><vessel uniqueID=”1603″ side=”1″ classname=”Corvette” broadType=”medium warship”>
<art meshfile=”dat/TSN/USFP/corvette.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/artemis_diffuse.png”
glowFile=”dat/artemis_illum.png” specularFile=”dat/artemis_specular.png” scale=”0.2″ pushRadius=”150″/>
<!– Weapons and Shields modified (1/4)–>
<shields front=”20″ back=”20″/>
<performance turnrate=”0.008″ topspeed=”1.0″/>
<fleet_ai commonality=”25″/>
<beam_port x=”-102.14″ y=”8.35″ z=”258.74″ damage=”2.0″ arcwidth=”0.4″ cycletime=”6.0″ range=”1000″/>
<beam_port x=” 102.14″ y=”8.35″ z=”258.74″ damage=”2.0″ arcwidth=”0.4″ cycletime=”6.0″ range=”1000″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”-9.22″ z=”-300″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”29.64″ z=”-300″/>
<impulse_point x=”0″ y=”-9.22″ z=”-300″/>
<impulse_point x=”0″ y=”29.64″ z=”-300″/>
<long_desc text=”Fast and manoeuvrable warship with forward beam weapons and medium shields. Used for wartime patrols.”/>
</vessel><vessel uniqueID=”1604″ side=”1″ classname=”Tiger Supply Ship” broadType=”small cargo warship”>
<art meshfile=”dat/TSN/USFP/TSNsupply.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/artemis_diffuse.png”
glowFile=”dat/artemis_illum.png” specularFile=”dat/artemis_specular.png” scale=”0.2″ pushRadius=”150″/>
<shields front=”2″ back=”20″/>
<performance turnrate=”0.008″ topspeed=”1.0″/>
<fleet_ai commonality=”10″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”22″ z=”-246″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”-35″ z=”-238″/>
<impulse_point x=”0″ y=”22″ z=”-246″/>
<impulse_point x=”0″ y=”-35″ z=”-238″/>
<long_desc text=”Armoured Supply Ship. Unarmed.”/>
</vessel><vessel uniqueID=”1605″ side=”1″ classname=”Lion Supply Ship” broadType=”medium cargo warship”>
<art meshfile=”dat/TSN/USFP/TSNsupply.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/artemis_diffuse.png”
glowFile=”dat/artemis_illum.png” specularFile=”dat/artemis_specular.png” scale=”0.3″ pushRadius=”200″/>
<shields front=”38″ back=”38″/>
<performance turnrate=”0.008″ topspeed=”1.5″/>
<fleet_ai commonality=”5″/>
<beam_port x=”0″ y=”0″ z=”250.0″ damage=”0.5″ arcwidth=”0.3″ cycletime=”6.0″ range=”1000″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”22″ z=”-246″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”-35″ z=”-238″/>
<impulse_point x=”0″ y=”22″ z=”-246″/>
<impulse_point x=”0″ y=”-35″ z=”-238″/>
<long_desc text=”Armoured Supply Ship. Fitted with a weak foward beam to disuade pirates.”/>
</vessel><vessel uniqueID=”1606″ side=”1″ classname=”Scow” broadType=”medium transport”>
<art meshfile=”dat/TSN/USFP/garbagescow.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/TSN/USFP/scow-diffuse.png”
glowFile=”dat/artemis_illum.png” specularFile=”dat/artemis_specular.png” scale=”0.3″ pushRadius=”200″/>
<shields front=”38″ back=”38″/>
<performance turnrate=”0.003″ topspeed=”0.4″/>
<fleet_ai commonality=”5″/>
<long_desc text=”Scow for moving… the more unpleasnt things….”/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”-32″ z=”-272″/>
<engine_port x=”0″ y=”32″ z=”-272″/>
<impulse_point x=”0″ y=”-32″ z=”-272″/>
<impulse_point x=”0″ y=”32″ z=”-272″/>
</vessel><vessel uniqueID=”1607″ side=”1″ classname=”Mobile Ship Yard” broadType=”medium cargo”>
<art meshfile=”dat/TSN/USFP/USFP-shipyard.dxs” diffuseFile=”dat/artemis_diffuse.png”
glowFile=”dat/artemis_illum.png” specularFile=”dat/artemis_specular.png” scale=”0.5″ pushRadius=”25″ />
<!– Weapons and Shields modified (1/4)–>
<shields front=”38″ back=”38″ />
<performance turnrate=”0.001″ topspeed=”0.2″ />
<engine_port x=”0.023621″ y=”110.925163″ z=”346.862885″/>
<impulse_point x=”0.023621″ y=”110.925163″ z=”346.862885″/>
<maneuver_point x=”-1.222128″ y=”122.503403″ z=”189.080658″/>
<maneuver_point x=”1.882262″ y=”122.503403″ z=”-186.591629″/>
<long_desc text=”Small mobile shipyard suitable for major repairs, and refits of most TSN vessels.” />
</vessel>13/12/2019 at 09:18 #33034Matsiyan
what are you using to edit these texts?
– comments are not properly delimited
– quotation marks are not the standard character for a double quote (Is this from MS-Word?)
– nothing is indented
This makes it a bit of extra work to get into a standard vesseldata file.If you could provide a vesselData.xml file in the same format you find it in the Artemis directory, it would help greatly.
14/12/2019 at 11:10 #33037Rakaydos
ParticipantYooie is working on an updated version, double checking that the nodes actually work. He expects completion by wenesday.
16/12/2019 at 18:28 #33055Xavier
KeymasterHas there been any progress on the updates to this?
16/12/2019 at 23:25 #33056Yooey
ParticipantI spoke to Matsiyan about getting the civvies done last night. I have many (all?) of them ready, and asked about which Git Repository from which to branch and generate a pull request. I’ve been asked not to create a pull request to implement the civilian node fixes until a number of other things are worked out with regard to reconciling some other vesseldata branches. Matsiyan has stated he’ll let me know when he’s ready for them.
Until then I’m moving forward on fixing literally all of the non-working nodes (including beam nodes, with a few notable exceptions, i.e. command ships), and adding impulse / maneuver nodes to any ship that doesn’t have them.
19/12/2019 at 03:58 #33069Yooey
ParticipantUpdate: With a couple handfuls of notable exceptions, I have finished the process of (1) fixing every beam, impulse, and maneuver node that was previously not working, (2) adding maneuver and impulse nodes to any ships that previously lacked them, and (3) exhaustively testing every single ship to ensure every single node works–albeit a few do require particular angles of attack.
– Ntani Ranger: as a solar sail craft, it seemed appropriate that it should lack any nodes of any kind.
– Biomechs Stage 1-4: they’re pseudo-biologicals we don’t quite understand, and they can be scrambled by Comms messages. These points seemed reason enough to skip them.
– Command Ships: as I discussed with Xavier, the vast majority of command ship beam nodes will remain “broken” so as to preserve the threatening nature of these vessels; however, they all now have at least ONE beam node which DOES WORK from the right angle. Impulse and Maneuver nodes on all command ships now also work.
– Caltron Swarm and Superswarm: caltrons provide a rather unique challenge for fixing their beam nodes. It might even be impossible to preserve existing arcs on some of them while making them work properly. For the Swarm and Superswarm, being command-esque versions of the caltrons, I opted to leave most of their nodes as they are, in a non-working state, and make just a couple nodes work. Impulse nodes are fixed and tested working. As for maneuver nodes, no caltron of any size or combination has any maneuver nodes. I took that as a hint and didn’t add any.I performed all of these fixes on a base of TSN Mod Version 2011. I’m ready to generate a branch and initiate a pull request on Github whenever y’all are ready for it. Just drop me a line and let me know which Repository to branch from.
22/12/2019 at 01:37 #33073Xavier
KeymasterI am still not completely familiar with GitHub and how everything is working in terms of collaborating on a project and being able to track things.
Could you send me the vesselData file directly (particularly since we are now on Mod version 2.012) and I will implement the changes for 2.013?
22/12/2019 at 06:32 #33074Yooey
ParticipantI took the liberty of rebasing to 2012 for you. File has been sent to you via Discord direct message.
(mentioning it here so onlookers see that it’s been done).
22/12/2019 at 12:14 #33075Xavier
KeymasterAdditions of targeting data now added to the vesselData file and will be released in 2.013.
Thank you for the hard work and testing.
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