Recently came across the TSN. Been playing on and off at occasional LAN parties for a few years and played most consoles. Really looking forward to playing more regularly.
Been reading through the manuals so hopefully I’ll have a basic grasp of what’s needed of me by the time I’m thrown into my first shift.
Everything’s installed and I’ve spent some time fighting to get my old joystick set up in case I’m put on helm or in a fighter. Never done trial and error keybindings through a text file before…
Just had a thought. Been tinkering to have things set up ready for the next shift. Do the GMs use the in-game music channel, or am I OK to drop/mute it?
Kill it with fire! The GM uses mostly TS to send messages, or just sends text through comms. We really don’t use in-game music for anything, and is disruptive more often than not (damned loud thing drowning every single voice).