Reply To: Fleet Conference 24621-2239

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Command Centre Fleet Conference 24621-2239 Reply To: Fleet Conference 24621-2239


Startled from his intent staring at a blank wall, Xansta blinks a bit and summarizes the text on the data pad in front of him.

While we were helping the division in Tyr, we got some backlogged reports on the ongoing war. Despite the progress made by the Hegemony to date, we’ve largely kept them from making any further progress. Command believes that the Fourth Light Division’s efforts behind the lines has contributed to that success. The 4LD has pricked the Hegemony in the side hard enough to distract it from its primary front line goals.

Xansta looks up from his notes to make eye contact with all the officers present.

I don’t see anything like formal recognition for our efforts in the documents picked up from Tyr, but I imagine we’ll be receiving some kind of recognition once the paper pushers are less tied up with logistics at the front. The appreciative tone in the official documents is pretty clear.

Xansta swipes to another page

Speaking of Tyr, several division leaders send their thanks for our assistance, particularly for picking up the lifepods from the division ships that pursued the Hegemony through the gate and were subsequently overwhelmed by the Hegemony in Tyr.

Xansta shifts in his seat a bit as he scans through his data pad, muttering Vaj failed to mention the special issue Head of ONI underwear uniform requirements. I’ll have to discuss that with him. In a louder voice It seems that our mission to Drenan XII was a great success. The sensor buoys and communications relays we left there have already intercepted a number of Hegemony communications. The topics seem to primarily focus on pirate activity in the area and what can be done about it. In fact, Command wants us to be sure that our Onwia base is secure. To that end, they want us to look around, tap into communications and verify that neither the Hegemony nor the real pirates in the area know about the base.

With that in mind, where should we look for that kind of verification?

Xansta has clearly opened up the conversation for input from all the officers as he looks around expectantly.

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Xansta.