Reply To: Training Simulation Zulu-Xray

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Command Centre Holodeck Training Simulation Zulu-Xray Reply To: Training Simulation Zulu-Xray

Zac Turnez

Is there an alternative entry point to the base? AR – Average; DR – Average; Roll – 25; Result – Yes

Is there an undefended entry point (e.g. an escape hatch) AR – Average; DR – Average; Roll – 6; Result – E. Yes

Is it within sight of the team? AR – Average; DR – Average; Roll – 85; Result – No

Searching through the scan data, Turnez pinpoints several different possible entry points around the base. One highlights as an emergency hatch.

Here. This looks like it might be our best point of entry. Its on the other side of the base though. We’ll have to take it steady and move around the perimeter. Glade, take point. We’ll bound from cover to cover until we reach the escape hatch.

Lets get moving!

Glade bounds ahead of the team, the rest of the marines forming pairs and moving steadily from cover to cover, keeping to the rocks to remain undetected.