Reply To: ISN Grant, the Mess Hall, 6118-2237

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Commissioned Officers’ Galley ISN Grant, the Mess Hall, 6118-2237 Reply To: ISN Grant, the Mess Hall, 6118-2237

Adele Mundy

To Nhaima

That’s a joke, right? What I need is a cool drink of Hjocoa, a full night’s sleep, and the 2nd Light back where it belongs. None of which look likely in the near future.

To Aramond, in ominous tones,

TSN Grant was our last, best hope for a drink. It failed. But, in the Year of the Unknown Leap, it became something greater: our last, best hope… for victory. The year is 2237. The place … wait, we don’t know where the Void we are.