Terran Stellar Navy › Forums › (OOC) The Mess Hall › UNION Spaceship Command › Reply To: UNION Spaceship Command
23/07/2015 at 16:05

Oh, I forgot, I better explain some things!
Under contacts are your contact filters, which allow you to toggle contacts (on the radar and in the list) of a certain type. At the moment, in the mockup, all are enabled.
The filters are: Text Labels, Neutrals, Allies, Enemies, Small Ships (Corvettes), Medium Ships (Destroyers), Large/Capitol Ships (Battleships), Stations/Structures, Other, and Unknown.
Below that are the sort buttons, for arranging the order in which contacts are listed.
And below that is the contacts list itself.
Any feedback and/or suggestions are very welcome.
The iconography is inspired by Homeworld. 🙂